Monday Apr 27, 2020
Episode 25 with Angela Meadows "Be aware your story is not Everyone's story"
Monday Apr 27, 2020
Monday Apr 27, 2020
Angela Meadows is a Banting Postdoctoral Fellow specializing in predictors of how higher-weight people respond to the stigma they encounter in their daily lives, whether by internalizing their low status or by rejecting and challenging devaluation. She got her PhD in Psychology in 2018 from the University of Birmingham, UK and completed a one-year ESRC Postdoctoral Fellowship at the University of Exeter, UK, before moving to Western in October 2019. In 2013, she accidentally founded what is now the Annual International Weight Stigma Conference and is still a bit bewildered by it all, but very proud that this conference brings together people from all over the world who care about weight stigma, even if they can’t always agree with each other about anything else. She is a proponent of Health at Every Size and an anti-stigma activist. She writes and blogs as herself and as Never Diet Again UK, and rants at length on the subject to anyone who will listen to her.
In this episode we talk about Angela's diet history, how she got into stigma research, the weight stigma conference and how we need to to research with people not to them
Please note that we talk about the Weight Stigma conference that was to be held in Aukland, NZ in June 2020 which has since been cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic
Find Angela at
website: angelameadows.info & stigmaconference.com
twitter: @drameadows
email: drameadows@gmail.com
Find Lori at
instagram: @lorishortzamudiord